Vulcan the God of Volcano’s
A discussion on anger and like a volcano can ruin everything around us. I also discuss the stages of anger, different types of anger and ways to handle anger. I also teach relaxation exercises to help you reduce your stress and anger. I hope you enjoy.
Anger cycle
Pretends to be normal phase: life runs smoothly but anger lurks beneath the surface, affecting the way the person lives and acts
Build up phase: person focuses on the distorted thinking
Acting out phase
Downward spiral phase: person feels guilt and defenses are built
““Temper/anger is a vicious and corrosive thing that destroys affection and casts out love” “ who can calculate the wounds inflicted, their depth and pain, by harsh and mean words spoken in anger?””
Anger is inappropriately handled in 3 ways
1. Aggression: physical violence, emotional and verbal abuse, control and domination
2. Internalization: directed toward self
3. Passive-aggressive behavior: anger expressed indirectly through rather than directly aggressive
Causes of Anger
Distorted perceptions
Dwell on the negative
Overcoming our Anger
Know your cues
Pray about it more than talk about it (the anger provoking incident)
Resolve underlying problems
Take responsibility for your anger
Take ownership of your anger
Take responsibility for your own anger and not blame someone else
Ask yourself: why am I angry? Is it pride, for gain or another action?
Defuse anger-provoking thoughts
Keep an anger Log
Learn relaxation exercises
““every marriage goes through moments of anger and temporary failures. But you must determine your goal. What matters most: winning arguments or resembling Christ””
““the peace of God passeth all understanding:”
Philippians 4:6-7 “ ..but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
““Mankind should have been my business!” ”
“ “Our family, friends and foes should be our business” “our business of Love””
““Until next week May the light of the savior shine in your relationships and bring you joy each and every day.””