It’s not about the nail
Communication tools to help us all communicate better
We all communicate
Even not communicating is communicating
Good communication
Attending: paying attention
““You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.””
““Words -so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who know how to combine them.””
“ “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction,This indicates that forces always act in pairs.””
positive communication
10:1 ratio
Look for the good in your spouse and your relationship
Have a contrite spirit
Efective Communication
Always speak in the first person
Level with each-other
Except and validate
State your complaint precisely
Know what your fighting for
State what you need
Start softly
Take responsibility
““It is better to prepare and prevent than it is to repair and repent.””
The 4 Steps to Apologizing
I’m sorry for…
Next time I will do _____ differently
Do you forgive me?
Or will you except my apology
““In true marriage there must be a union of minds as well as of hearts. Emotions must not wholly determine decisions, but the mind and the heart, strengthened by fasting and prayer and serious consideration, will give one a maximum chance of marital happiness.””
Fight for the marriage:
ask yourself before you do or say something: Is this going to hurt the marriage or make it better?
““Until next week May the light of the savior shine in your relationships and bring you joy each and every day.””