Principles and history for successful parenting
How society influences our parenting ideas
Judeo Christians Movement: children were thought to be innately evil because of the fall of Adam and eve: they were born evil from the original sin.
French philosopher Jean-Jacque Rousseau in the 18th century: believed children are innately good. Children are only to be corruptible by a corrupted adult society. If left to themselves they would achieve their greatest potential.
John Locke (1632-1704) Blank slate idea: that children are much like a blank slate. Neither evil nor good. They will be molded by their upbringing.
John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner (20th century): tended to agree with Locke but asserting that by controlling and altering the environment, they can make a child into any kind of person they want.
Nature vs nurture: is it your biological make up that influences children’s behavior or is it their environment that influences their behavior.
What does the gospel tell us about children
All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose. Each spirit child of God is unique, having cultivated talents and dispositions in ta premarital existence
Each spirit enters a mortal body, also unique in its genetic make up
from birth on each child exhibits individual interests, talents, personality, desires and abilities
Parents, siblings and others who are significant to a child will have further influence in the child’s life.
What does Research suggest
Biological characteristics affect children’s dispositions and temperaments
Children to some degree select, modify and even create their own environments according to their biological predispositions
“Today the rapid increase in knowledge about the brain functioning and genes provides scientific evidence for biological basis for some aspects of development. Although the exact proportions remain unknown, genetic influences account for 25-75 percent of the differences in characteristics among the general population. For instance, genetic factors have been cited for a wide range of psychological out comes in adulthood, including alcoholism, depression and phobias. During childhood the evidence seems strongest for such characteristics as intelligence, sociability, emotionality, and activity level. ”
All those they come in contact with can affect a Child’s development.
So why am I telling you this information
knowing our history we can see how parenting by our ancestors, parents etc has affected our thoughts on parenting.
How we parent can influence how our child behaves: The power of positive parenting.
Judging unrighteously can affect our ability to love and value each family member
We must rear all of our children in love and righteousness
You're the adult, be the adult and set a loving example and your children will follow suit.
““Until next week May the light of the savior shine in your relationships and bring you joy each and every day.””